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Moorland Township Fire Department
12416 E. Apple Avenue 

Ravenna, MI 49451

Phone 231-853-2213

Seeking Applications for paid on-call Fire Fighter/Medical First Responders!

Call the Fire Department or stop in during regular office hours to request an

application. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

(231) 853-2213



Burn Permit Policy

If you wish to burn, you need to call the Moorland Township Fire Department (231) 853-2213 and follow the prompts to leave a message; leave your name, phone, address of the burn location and burn date. A two-day notice is required. If this policy is not followed you may be responsible for the costs associated with a false fire run. The Muskegon County Health Department no longer issues burn permits.

Please visit www.dnr.state.mi.us/burnpermits to determine if you can burn on the requested date.