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Town History


Moorland Township, situated directly north of Ravenna, with which it was attached for township purposes till 1860, is composed very largely of State Swamp Lands. Of late years these lands are being reclaimed, and Moorland bids fair to become a wealthy and populous township. At present (1881), it contains no church, four school houses, one blacksmith shop and two saw mills, with a population of about 500.



As early as 1857 Peter Conklin, John W. Tibbets, John F. Chichester made a beginning. Following in 1858 were R. Robinson, D. M. Wilson, James Anscomb, Geo. H. Loomis, P. Woodward, Daniel C. Mills, Wm. Simms, Alvin Reed, Judson Philips, and Hiram and Jesse Ackerman, since which time a continual stream of immigration has occurred.



Moorland had its first separate township organization in 1860 when the following officers were elected:

O. F. Conklin, Supervisor; Alvin Reed, Clerk; John W. Tibbets and George H. Loomis, Justices of the Peace; Benjamin Brevoort, Treasurer; Peter Conklin, P. Woodward and Judson Philips, Commissioners of Highways, and Robert Robinson, School Inspector.

The present (1881) officers are:

Robert Robinson, Supervisor; Anson Bowen, Clerk; Samuel Beckwith, Treasurer; John Kenne, Commissioner of Highways; Tom. J. G. Bolt, School Superintendent, and Geo. M. Goodrich, Wheeler Hancock and Samuel Beckwith, Justices of the Peace.



The growth  and future prosperity of Moorland depends, in a great measure, on its being properly drained. To accomplish which a main ditch with an average width of fourteen feet has been completed, commencing in section 13, and running in a southwesterly direction to section 30, flowing to the south branch of Black Creek. This main ditch has numerous auxiliary ditches, forming, as it were, a complete net-work. The land once drained is found to be wonderfully productive in all crops, with, perhaps, the exception of wheat, and already many an enterprising young man has taken advantage of the cheapness of the land, and is preparing a home which will furnish a competency in his old age.